Meet the leaders and team members guiding our mission with passion, dedication, and a commitment to honoring the valor and values of the Medal of Honor.
Three of our living former Commanders-in-Chief — Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, William J. Clinton, and the late Jimmy Carter are “Honorary Directors” of the National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation, reflecting the importance of our mission.

The 44th President of the United States.

The 43rd President of the United States.

The 42nd President of the United States.

The 39th President of the United States.
Representing every branch of the US Armed Forces, our Advisory Board knows better than most the gallantry and intrepidity required of our award recipients—and the importance of honoring their legacy.
- The Honorable Gordon R. England29th U.S. Deputy Director of Defense 72nd & 73rd U.S. Secretary of the Navy
- The Honorable Eric K. Fanning22nd U.S. Secretary of the Army President & CEO, Aerospace Industries Association
- The Honorable Emilio T. Gonzalez, U.S. Army (Ret.)Former Undersecretary of Homeland Security 2nd Director of U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services Former Director, National Security Council Senior Advisor at Ducenta Squared Asset Management
- The Honorable James M. Loy, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret.)Former Acting U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security 21st Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard Senior Counselor, The Cohen Group
- The Honorable Raymond E. Mabus, Jr.75th U.S. Secretary of the Navy Founding Principal and CEO, The Mabus Group
- The Honorable Robert A. McDonald8th U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Retired Chairman, President and CEO, The Procter & Gamble Company
- The Honorable Sean O’Keefe69th U.S. Secretary of the Navy Howard & Louise Phanstiel Chair in Strategic Management & Leadership, Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs
- The Honorable Leon E. Panetta23rd U. S. Secretary of Defense Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Chairman, The Panetta Institute for Public Policy
- The Honorable F. Whitten Peters19th U.S. Secretary of the Air Force Senior Counsel, Williams & Connolly LLP
- The Honorable David J. Shulkin, MD9th U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs President, Shulkin Solutions, LLC
- General Kevin P. Chilton, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)Commander, U.S. Strategic Command (2007-2011) President, Chilton & Associates LLC
- Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, U.S. Navy (Ret.)30th Chief of Naval Operations John M. Shalikashvili Chair in National Security Studies The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR)
- General Michael V. Hayden, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency Principal, The Chertoff Group
- Admiral Bobby R. Inman, U.S. Navy (Ret.)Former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, Director of the National Security Agency and Chair of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Lyndon B. Johnson Centennial Chair in National
- General Charles C. Krulak, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.)31st Commandant of the Marine Corps
- Maj Gen Jeannie Leavitt, U.S Air Force (Ret.)President, Leavittate LLC Principal, Pallas Advisors
- General Richard B. Myers, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)15th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff President, Kansas State University
- Admiral Eric T. Olson, U.S. Navy (Ret.)Commander, U.S. Special Ops Command (‘07-’11) President, ETO Group, LLC
- General Peter Pace, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.)16th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Operating Partner, Behrman Capital
- General David H. Petraeus, U.S. Army (Ret.)Former Commander of the Surge in Iraq, U.S. Central Command and Coalition Forces in Afghanistan Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
- Admiral Joseph W. Prueher, USN (Ret.)Former U.S. Ambassador to China and Commander of U.S. Pacific Command James R. Schlesinger Distinguished Professor at the Miller Center of the University of Virginia Senior Advisor to the Stanford-Har
- Theodore Roosevelt IVFormer U.S. Navy SEAL Managing Director & Chairman, Barclays Cleantech Initiative
- James RosenWashington Correspondent, Sînclair Broadcast Group
- General Norton A. Schwartz, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)19th Chief of Staff President & Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA)
- Gary SiniseActor, Director, Musician, and Founder & Chairman of Gary Sinise Foundation
- Jake TapperCNN Anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent
- General Joseph L. Votel, U.S. Army (Ret.)President & Chief Executive Officer, Business Executives for National Security
- General Mark A. Welsh III, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)20th Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force Dean, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University
- Ken BurnsSenior American History Advisor
Mediocrity and failure result from choice, not chance. Success is born of courage alone, and God has made this marvelous gift infinitely available to all who ask for it.
Our Board of Directors includes military leaders, former cabinet members, business icons, and philanthropists. Together, they ensure Medal of Honor stories are honored and inspire future generations.
- CHARLOTTE JONES, CHAIRMANExecutive Vice President and Chief Brand Officer, Dallas Cowboys
- PETER STENT, VICE CHAIRMANRancher/Philanthropist
- CHRISTOPHER J. CASSIDYPresident and CEO National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation
- MG PATRICK BRADY, USA (RET.)Medal of Honor Recipient
- COL JACK JACOBS, USA (RET.)Medal of Honor Recipient
- CMC (SEAL) BRITT SLABINSKI, USN (RET.)Medal of Honor Recipient
- LTC WILLIAM SWENSON, USAMedal of Honor Recipient
- SGM PATRICK PAYNE, USAMedal of Honor Recipient
- DEBRA BURLINGAME9/11 Community Leader
- REED CORDISHPrincipal and Partner, The Cordish Companies
- CAMI GOFFExecutive Vice President, Goff Capital
- MIKE HAYESManaging Director, Insight Partners
- TOM HIGGINSExecutive Vice President, Fiserv
- NEIL LEIBMANCo-Owner and COO, Texas Rangers Baseball Club CEO, Summer Energy Inc.
- JOEL S. MARCUSExecutive Chairman and Founder, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., Alexandria Venture Investments
- RYAN MCCARTHY24th Secretary of the U.S. Army
- BRAD MELTZERAuthor and Television Host
- DOUG PARKERChairman and CEO, American Airlines
- HENRY ROSS PEROT, III (HILL)Vice President, Hillwood
- THE HONORABLE JIM ROSSMayor, City of Arlington
- CHRISTOPHER SAMBARExecutive Vice President, AT&T
- ALAN SCHWARTZExecutive Chairman, Guggenheim Partners
- NICHOLAS J. SINGERFounder and Managing Partner, Purchase Capital
- AMBASSADOR CRAIG STAPLETONSenior Advisor, Stone Point Capital Director of Tenax Aerospace and Vivino Inc. Co-Owner, St. Louis Cardinals
- THE HONORABLE REX TILLERSON69th U.S. Secretary of State Former CEO, ExxonMobil
- ALEXANDER H. TISCHExecutive Vice President Loews Hotels & Co
- FAWN WEAVERCEO and Founder, Grant Sidney, INC.
- JARED WEINSTEINPartner, Thrive Capital
- THE HONORABLE JEFF WILLIAMS, P.E.President & CEO, Graham Associates, Inc.
- Dawn AaronBusiness Executive and Philanthropist
- SSG DAVID BELLAVIA, USA (RET.)Medal of Honor Recipient