Civil War

George D. Wilson

Private George D. Wilson distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving with the 2d Ohio

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Philip G. Shadrach

Private Philip G. Shadrach distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving with the 2d Ohio

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Francis Hall

Voluntarily exposed himself to a heavy fire during the thickest of the fight and carried wounded men to the rear for treatment and attendance.

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Richard Enderlin

Voluntarily took a rifle and served as a soldier in the ranks during the first and second days of the battle. Voluntarily and at his

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William Downey

Volunteered as a member of a boatcrew which went to the rescue of a large number of Union soldiers on board the stranded steamer Boston,

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Henry Johns

Volunteered in response to a call and took part in the movement that was made upon the enemy’s works under a heavy fire therefrom in

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James Strong

Volunteered in response to a call and took part in the movement that was made upon the enemy's works under a heavy fire therefrom in

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Clifford Thomson

Volunteered to ascertain the character of approaching troops; rode up so closely as to distinguish the features of the enemy, and as he wheeled to

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